Infertility has been defined as the inability of a couple to conceive after one year of regular intercourse without the use of contraceptives. Male infertility can be defined as any health issue in a man that lowers his chance of impregnating a fertile female partner. This is mainly due to sperm quality.
1. Mental stress.
2. Faulty spermatogenesis.
3. Fear and anxiety.
4. Tight clothing.
5. Frozen – Processed Food and Low Nutritious Diet.
6. Malnutrition and obesity.
7. Excessive alcohol and smoking.
8. Immunological factors.
ShukraDosha: Defects in semen- volume, morphology, motility, sperm count, obstruction in the genital tract or erectile dysfunction.
Ativyayama: Overexertion leads to vitiation of the vatadosha, which is the number one cause of infertility.
AaharaDosha: Improper food habits, not consuming a balanced diet, in turn leading to defective digestion, vitiation of the tridoshas-vata, pitta and kapha, which causes malnutrition.
ViharaDosha: Abnormalities in lifestyle- over exercise or not exercising at all, late nights, alcohol overconsumption etc.
Loss of Bala or Strength: Debilitating diseases, trauma to genital organs, muscle weakness, infections or stricture causing obstructive pathology, which could cause infertility.
ManasaDoshas: Refers to mental stress, inability to concentrate which could lead to premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.
BeejaUpaghatam: Injury/Damage to Sperm.
Vajikarana is the branch of Ayurveda, which deals with all types of physical and psychological sexual problems like impotence, poor libido, poor erection, and early ejaculation in males. A Male Infertility treatment at Chennai Heritage Hospital can help you improve your sperm count and volume. You don’t have to worry as long as you the follow the right advice. Using our package, you can treat male infertility easily with Deepana and Pachana,Virechana, Basti, Vajikarana Dravyas, Sattvic Diet, Exercise and Yoga and that too with no side effects at all. In addition, many herbal combinations will be provided to treat male impotence and improve fertility.
Having trouble conceiving after a year of sexual relationship? Please contact our experts and book your appointment now for surgery free infertility treatment! Or Schedule a Video Consultation!
Mobile: +91-74488 13242, +91-74488 83242
WhatsApp: +91-7448813242
Consultation Timings: Monday - Saturday (9:00 AM - 7:00 PM)
Visit Us: 2A, BabuJagan Street, Kannan Bala Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600106