Fibroid Uterus

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in the woman’s uterus. Uterine fibroids are the most typical type of benign tumor in ladies. Approx 20% of women at the age of 30 have got fibroids in their uterus. However, most females remain unaware of their presence as they rarely show signs or symptoms. The human body shrinks Uterine fibroids naturally after menopause, but sometimes, they start growing unnaturally and interfere with the normal functioning of other organs. That’s when you need to seek treatment.

Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

The common symptoms of uterine fibroid include

Heavy menstruation

Low back pain

Painful intercourse

Feeling of fullness or pressure in the lower area of the abdomen and at times even infertility

Diagnosis and Ayurvedic Treatment for Uterine Fibroids

There are various methods used in the diagnosis of uterine fibroids. The common ones are checking clinical history, pelvic MRI, and USG (Ultra Sonography). Ayurveda identifies all fibroids as Granthi. Granthi is formed when several morbid factors and vitiated doshas come together. Granthi pathogenesis includes Kapha and Vata based tridoshas. Therefore, the uterine fibroid treatment in Ayurveda focuses on balancing these doshas.

At Chennai Heritage, we select lekhana (scrapping) and blood purifying Ayurvedic medicines to treat uterine fibroid. If diagnosed early, dietary changes and Ayurvedic medicines can improve all significant symptoms of uterine fibroid. Ayurvedic Treatment also helps shrink Uterine Fibroids naturally.

Uterine Fibroids Diet Plan and Lifestyle

An increase in body weight, suppression of natural urges, use of hormonal contraceptive pills, constipation, junk food, and mental stress are the factors that can increase the problem and hence should be discouraged. Yoga, physical exercises, a healthy and light diet, and oil massage therapies can help relieve the symptoms. It is to be noted that these lifestyle changes are not the cure for uterine fibroids but they work effectively with Ayurvedic medicines and treatment.

As prevention is always better than cure, do consult an expert for the Ayurvedic Treatment for Fibroid Uterus. Call and book your appointment now! Or Schedule a Video Consultation!

Mobile: +91-74488 13242, +91-74488 83242
WhatsApp: +91-7448813242
Consultation Timings: Monday - Saturday (9:00 AM - 7:00 PM)
Visit Us: 2A, BabuJagan Street, Kannan Bala Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600106

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