Admission Process:
Need to get admitted:

Many of the diseases are frequently treated at OPD level where the patient is often prescribed certain medications and given instructions based on which he can continue the medications and review the doctor after a certain period (say about 2 weeks to 1 month). However chronic diseases need a physician’s intervention frequently, moreover both internal as well as external therapies aid to overcome the disease pathology and help to come out from the signs and symptoms quickly. More over detoxification is possible only in inpatient unit which needs meticulous treatment plan and physician’s care. Hence it becomes necessary to get admitted and get treated is such cases.

Registration & Admissions:

On the day of admission, patients are requested to bring all medical records, previous lab investigation reports, prescriptions, discharge summary and other relevant documents.

Reservation can be made in person at our reception counter or over phone (+91-74488 13242, +91-74488 83242) or by E-mail ( Only patients with genuine ailments are admitted. Minimum period of stay is for 15 days. At the time of booking the patients details are noted in the reservation register and the requirement date ascertained. Booking should preferably be made two months in advance.

Admissions are open on all days. Time of admission is before 3p.m and time of discharge is from 10 a.m. to 12 noon on all days. Patients are requested to provide their full address, phone number contact number, local relatives/friends address in the office on admission.